• Decide whether it is a federal, state, or local responsibility
by placing it in the appropriate column.
MEP Organization Responsibilities – Workmat, p. 11 in Trainer’s Resource Materials, one copy per pair
MEP Organization Responsibilities – Key, p. 12 in Trainer’s Resource Materials; one set of cut-apart cards run on cardstock, per pair AND one copy of the KEY per person for pairs to check their work and take with them
Trainer’s Notes
Ask participants to select a new partner. Provide each pair with a Workmat and an envelope with the statements cut apart.
Have pairs work together to determine which responsibilities are those of the federal, state, and local MEP and place in the appropriate column.
Debrief at the end of the activity by providing each pair with the answer key for them to check their placement of cards before reviewing as a whole group.
Clarify responsibilities listed as needed.
Ask participants to look at the responsibilities listed under the local column on their Key and identify those that are direct responsibilities of recruiters.
Tell participants that Module 2, The MEP Recruiter, will examine the role of the recruiter in more detail.
Allow participants time to record pertinent information in their Outline (p. 3)