Post three sheets of chart paper around the room. Write one of the following questions at the top of each page:
Where might you find migratory families and youth?
How would you communicate information about the MEP at these locations?
Why is it difficult for recruiters to locate migratory families and youth?
If there are more than 15 participants, another set of chart papers could be made to ensure the number of participants at each will be five or less
Trainer’s Notes
Tell participants that they will now spend time discussing how to locate migratory families and youth who move into an area for migratory work.
Number the chart papers.
Group participants so that no more than five participants will be at each chart paper. Assign each group to a chart paper. Have participants meet at their assigned chart paper.
Tell participants that they will be given two minutes to record as many responses to the question as they can, then signal them to move to the next question.
When all questions have been visited, have groups return to their original questions. Allow each group a few minutes to review the content, adding any additional ideas they may have.
Allow groups to return to their seats and discussion each question. Use the next three slides to facilitate the discussion.