Where might you find migratory families and youth?
Trainer’s Notes
Responses may include:
Local businesses (laundromats, libraries, grocery stores, community centers)
Health clinics
Migratory/labor camps
Adult education classes
Have participants record locations that might pertain to their areas in their Outline (p. 5). Ask them to talk with their table groups about how they could identify other locations they may not be aware of and have them note these ideas for the future. Allow participants to share ideas that are discussed with the table groups.
Remind participants that Module 2 addressed how to contact and establish relationships with the various organizations/locations listed.
Refer participants to the Identifying Important Information Sources section in the National ID&R Manual, Chapter 4: Building a Recruitment Network for further details about the five most common information sources for locating migratory families and youth:
Local school staff
Community contacts, organizations, and commercial establishments