How would you communicate information about the MEP at
these locations?
Trainer’s Notes
Encourage participants to discuss the pros and cons of each method listed.
Allow time for participants to record the methods they would like to remember in their Outline (p. 5).
If the State has brochures, sample employer letters, or sample school and/or employer surveys, then take time to make participants aware of these resources and how to obtain them. If the state does not have samples, then let participants know that samples can be found in the National ID&R Manual, Appendix III: Sample Surveys and Appendix IV: Sample Brochures.
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Discussion Points
Posting MEP flyers
Leaving MEP brochures for families to take
Scheduling a time to set up a table to distribute information
Contacting the business/location to determine best days/times to
find migratory workers
Leaving information in the native language of the migratory families in the area.