• Capture information for a profile through an employer
• Organize profiles so that anyone in the MEP can easily
access and use them
Migrant Education Workplace Survey, p. 14 in Trainer’s Resource Materials
Trainer’s Notes
Pass out the Migrant Education Workplace Survey and allow participants to review the information listed. Ask if there is any other information they want to add. If participants have many suggestions, allow table groups to brainstorm and revise the survey.
Let participants know that the sample Workplace Survey used in this activity as well as samples of Employee surveys and School surveys can be found in the National ID&R Manual, Appendix III: Sample Surveys.
Additionally, the National ID&R Manual, Appendix V: Sample Letters includes samples letters for employers and schools to introduce the MEP, while Appendix IV: Sample Brochures includes samples of MEP brochures.
Share any samples developed and being used by the state MEP.
Click to the next slide.
Talking Points
Many recruiters will contact an employer to introduce themselves and the MEP, then leave a survey to capture the information they would like to have on record in the employer’s profile.
Other recruiters will complete the survey as they meet with an employer, if the employer has allotted time for an interview.
Ideally, the information collected should be organized in the recruiter’s office so that those seeking information about the employer can find it easily and understand the information collected.