Sample Recruitment Network Assessment, p. 15 in Trainer’s Resource Materials, one copy per participant
Trainer’s Notes
Ask participants to think about the question on the screen for a minute. Ask volunteers to share their thoughts.
Pass out the Sample Recruitment Network Assessment. Tell participants they may wish to create a similar document to allow their MEPs to work together and assess the effectiveness of each member of their recruitment networks.
Give participants time to review the Sample Assessment. Ask if they would add or delete any questions in creating their own assessments. As an option, allow table groups to work together to revise and share.
Click to the next slide.
Talking Points
The first step in deciding whether an organization has been effective in leading recruiters to migratory families is determining if the MEP has made the right connections with them.
Recruiters would not want to remove any organization from their contact lists without first ensuring the MEP has taken the steps necessary to establish an effective working relationship.
Discussion Points
Determine which contacts (organizations, employers, etc.) provide the most leads for finding migratory families.
For those contacts that do not provide many leads, try to determine why they are not meeting needs. Does the responsibility fall on the organization/employer, or the MEP?