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Webinars & Meetings

2017 Annual Directors’ Meeting

The 2017 Annual Directors Meeting took place on March 6-8, 2017 in Washington, D.C. Presentations and handouts from the various sessions are available for download below.

For further information, please contact Lindsay Booth,

Presentations & Handouts

New Directors’ Orientation - MEP 101

The New Directors’ Orientation is intended to prepare Directors for beneficial collaboration and comprehension throughout the meeting by providing foundational sessions for the topics to be discussed during the ADM.

Presenters: Lindsay Booth, Tara Ramsey

The New Directors’ Orientation - Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Transition Basics

Presenters: Sarah Martinez, Joanne Bogart

New Directors’ Orientation - History of GPRAs and Leading Indicators

Presenters: Edward Monaghan, Preeti Choudhary

New Directors’ Orientation - Introduction to The Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX)

Presenters: Patricia Meyertholen, Maria Hishikawa

OME Updates

Presenters: Lisa Ramírez, Tara Ramsey

Guidance for MEP Eligibility Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

This session will provide an overview of MEP eligibility under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as reauthorized by the ESSA. Presenters will explain ED’s guidance to assist States with implementation of the new law (revised Chapter II of the MEP Non-Regulatory Guidance), and participants will work with their colleagues on eligibility scenarios, to help them accurately apply these requirements in accordance with ED’s guidance. 

Presenters: Sarah Martinez, Patricia Meyertholen

Revisions to the National Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

OME staff will present changes to the National COE instructions and template, which is currently subject to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB’s) approval. This session will build upon the previous session, using the revised National COE to illustrate how States would be expected to document eligibility determinations under ESSA. This session may help participants identify recommended improvements to the proposed COE, which they will have the opportunity to comment on during the forthcoming 30 day public comment period. 

Presenters: Sarah Martinez, Patricia Meyertholen

Working with Child Counts Generated by MSIX

OME staff will facilitate this session regarding State readiness and plans for child count reconciliation between State migrant-specific systems and MSIX. The session will begin with a 10 minute refresher of MSIX child count logic. Directors will then work in small groups to discuss and analyze sample MSIX Child Count and Data Quality reports. Directors will gain experience in analyzing MSIX reports and will share among themselves ways to incorporate reconciliation efforts in their state processes. Presenters will collect group feedback related to best practices as well as challenges generated by Directors’ discussions. 

Presenters: Patricia Meyertholen, Maria Hishikawa

MSIX State Profiles

OME staff will present updated MEP State Profiles to Directors, and lead a review of their contents and purpose. Directors will then break into small groups to review a sample state profile to discuss and analyze various charts, graphs and other data in the reports to be generated in FY17 using MSIX data. After group discussion, presenters will collect feedback on how each state may inform their decision-making based on the profiles in areas such as recruiting, SDP development, technical assistance, etc. 

Presenters: Patricia Meyertholen, Maria Hishikawa

Migrant Education Program Evaluation Update

Representatives from OME and the study team will provide an update regarding the Evaluation of the Migrant Education Program. The presentation will focus on key study questions, methodology, study sample, and timeline. 

Presenters: Leslie Anderson, Carlos Martinez

Section 1304 - An Opportunity to Share

State directors will have an opportunity to share with colleagues their work, to date, on program requirements in Section 1304. OME will review the statutory language of Section 1304; and directors will share their work with each other. Directors should come prepared to share plans. 

Presenters: Joanne Bogart, Tara Ramsey

Impacts on MEP Allocations and Funding

OME staff will address several topics impacting allocations for the Migrant Education Program, including: the continuing resolution; schedule of allocation determinations; funding formula variations; the hold harmless factor; and numbers in the migrant population. 

Presenters: Joanne Bogart, Tara Ramsey

Changes to CSPR and EDFacts, SY 16-17

The OME data team will lead this session to familiarize MEP directors with changes that will occur in the SY 2016-17 CSPR MEP 2.3 Section, EDFacts File Specifications, and the CSPR Glossary. The presentation will include a review of the major changes in SY 2016-17, and then create groups that will participate in an SY2016-17 “CSPR Jeopardy” game, in which three groups will compete against each other to achieve the grand prize. After the presentation, participants will participate in a Question and Answer session. 

Presenters: Edward Monaghan, Preeti Choudhary

Meeting Objectives

The objectives of this meeting were:

  1. To facilitate opportunities for Directors to network and share best practices and resources;
  2. to provide Directors with information pertinent to the State administration and operation of the Migrant Education Program (MEP);
  3. to promote understanding of, and coordination with, other ED initiatives and programs, and;
  4. to provide Directors and Office of Migrant Education (OME) personnel with opportunities to coordinate on issues important to the successful design and implementation of programs and services that benefit migrant children.