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Webinars & Meetings

2019 Annual Directors’ Meeting

The 2019 New Directors’ Orientation and Annual Directors’ Meeting took place on March 11-13, 2019 in Washington, D.C. Presentations and handouts from the various sessions are available for download below.

The History and Purpose of the Migrant Education Program (MEP)

This session will review the history and purpose of the MEP. Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the program to prepare them for the New Directors’ Orientation and Annual Directors Meeting.

Presenter: Lisa Gillette & Patricia Meyertholen, OME

Eligibility and Identification and Recruitment (ID&R)

This session will explain the basic criteria for determining whether children are eligible for the MEP, and documenting such determinations on the Certificate of Eligibility (COE). The session will also provide an overview of common ID&R methods and structures, including requirements for quality control.

Presenters: Sarah Martinez, OME

Interstate Coordination/ Records Transfer

This session will provide an overview of the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) regulations and the unique needs of migratory children that necessitate a national record transfer system. Have your MSIX account and password ready to participate in the practice activities where you'll see how MSIX can help you meet the regulatory requirements.

Presenters: Preeti Choudhary, Maria Hishikawa & Patricia Meyertholen, OME

Fiscal Requirements

This session will provide an overview of several concepts related to MEP funds: 1) allocations to State Educational Agencies (SEAs); 2) SEA uses of funds for general and unique program administration; 3) subgrants; and 4) key considerations in determining whether an activity or service is an allowable use of MEP funds.

Presenter: Sarah Martinez, OME

Putting the Pieces Together: Directing a Successful MEP!

This session will examine what success looks like when implementing a Migrant Education Program. Participants will examine challenges faced by migratory children and examine resources to address the challenges and migratory students’ unique needs. Additionally, participants will compare resources used to overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers and other factors, so that their State MEP may better address migratory children’s unique needs and provide supports for them to successfully complete their education.

Presenter: Ed Monaghan, OME

OME Updates

Presenter: Lisa Gillette, OME

MEP Services

A panel of State MEP staff will share how they operationalize their MEP Service Delivery Plans (SDPs), with a focus on the use of data at the local level. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of their colleagues on the panel, and consider ways to achieve greater statewide consistency in how the MEP SDP is implemented and how services are reported.

Facilitator: Sarah Martinez, OME
Panelists: Veronica Aguila and Celina Torres, CA & Jonathan Fernow, OR

MEP, High School Equivalency Program (HEP), and College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) Collaboration

MEP, HEP, and CAMP Directors will share successful strategies for overcoming common obstacles to program and project collaboration.

Facilitator: Lisa Gillette, OME

Intra-/ Inter- State Coordination Contract Feedback Session

The purpose of this session is to solicit feedback from the field on the next iteration of the intra-/ inter-State coordination contract. During this session, State Directors will have the opportunity to learn about the statutory requirements governing the contract as well as have the opportunity to guide the design of the next contract.

Presenter: Patricia Meyertholen, OME

FY 2015-2018 Consortium Incentive Grant (CIG) Resources and Open House

The current consortia will provide a brief introduction before breaking out into separate rooms to demonstrate and disseminate products created over the last four years. Participants will have an opportunity to speak with consortia organizers and learn more about accessing resources.

Presenter: Lindsay Booth, OME

Performance Data and Evidence-Based Decision Making

OME will begin by summarizing recent ADM efforts that have emphasized accurate performance reporting, performance results, and evidence terms. Directors will then explore the use of evidence in program design and evaluation by reviewing the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) website for evidence-based instructional strategies, and participating in an activity that may help inform future SEA and LEA evaluations.

Presenter: Ed Monaghan, OME

Records Transfer and the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX)

Since the MSIX regulations became effective in June 2016, there have been both challenges and successes in meeting the requirements for records transfer. A panel of MEP Directors and their State Data Administrators will discuss how they have turned these challenges into successes for the migratory children in their State. Panelists will share success stories of how they have used records transfer to facilitate school enrollment, grade and course placement, accrual of high school credits, and participation in the MEP.

Facilitator: Patricia Meyertholen, OME
Panelists: Christina Nava and Sarah Seamount, ID, & Michelle Williams, MI

Breakout Sessions

Breakout sessions are led by OME staff and/or MEP Directors. Each session provides Directors an opportunity to collaborate with their colleagues on a selected topic. Directors should be ready to share best practices, challenges and/or ask thought provoking questions.

Meeting Objectives

The objectives of this meeting were:

  1. to facilitate opportunities for Directors to network and share promising practices and resources;
  2. to provide Directors with information pertinent to the State administration and operation of the Migrant Education Program (MEP);
  3. to promote understanding of, and coordination with, other U.S. Department of Education (ED) initiatives and programs; and
  4. to provide Directors and Office of Migrant Education (OME) personnel with opportunities to coordinate on issues important to the successful design and implementation of programs and services that benefit migratory children.