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Webinars & Meetings

2020 Annual Directors’ Meeting

The 2020 New Directors’ Orientation and Annual Directors’ Meeting took place on March 2-4, 2020 in Washington, D.C. Presentations and handouts from the various sessions are available for download below.

Meeting Agenda

RESULTS Website Walkthrough

This session offers a walkthrough of the RESULTS website.

Presenters: RTI International

MEP Continuous Improvement Cycle: Key Resources

This session reviews the three key elements of a MEP continuous improvement cycle and how they work together. This session also reviews existing resources on RESULTS, including: Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) toolkit, Service Delivery Plan (SDP) toolkit, Evaluation toolkit, and webinars.

Presenters: Lisa Gillette, Patricia Meyertholen, and Christopher D. Hill, OME

Migrant Education Program (MEP) Eligibility 101

This session is meant to help improve understanding of the basic requirements for determining and documenting MEP eligibility and the required quality controls for the proper identification and recruitment of eligible migratory children.

Presenter: Sarah Martinez, OME

Records Transfer and the Migrant Student Information Exchange

This session provides a basic overview regarding the need for intrastate and interstate coordination in the Migrant Education Program (MEP), discusses student record transfer and MSIX, and explains key elements of MSIX and how to access the system.

Presenters: Preeti Choudhary and Patricia Meyertholen, OME

Migrant Education Program (MEP) Fiscal Requirements

This session explores how MEP funds are allocated to State educational agencies (SEAs); how SEAs may use MEP funds for program administration; what factors an SEA must take into account in determining the amount of subgrants and options available to the SEA for carryover funds; and key considerations for determining whether an activity or service is an allowable use of MEP funds.

Presenter: Sarah Martinez, OME

OME Updates

Presenter: Lisa Gillette, OME

Effective Collaboration with Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, High School Equivalency Program (HEP) and College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)

This session focuses on how various program grantees have initiated and fostered effective cross-program partnerships/collaboration. This session's objective is to highlight realistic, actionable ideas that can be adopted by participants.

Presenter: Patricia Meyertholen, OME

Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) Strategies from States with Increases in Migratory Children

This panel discussion session includes States whose migratory child population has increased at least 10% since 2014-15. Panelists and participants discuss specific practices, strategies, and/or circumstances that have contributed to those increases.

Presenter: Patricia Meyertholen, OME

Evidence-Based Practices

This session provides a review of ESSA’s evidence definitions, how the Department’s resources can support State Directors with their MEP and tips and tools for planning your MEP evaluation.

Presenters: Victoria Hammer and Richard Wilson, Office of Evidence-Based Policy; Christopher D. Hill, OME

Equitable Services

This session will provide a basic overview of the requirements for providing equitable services to children enrolled in private schools, and how these requirements apply to the MEP.

Presenters: Jenay Morrisey, Office of Nonpublic Education (ONPE) and Josie Skinner, Office of General Counsel (OGC)

MEP Summer Programs: A Panel Discussion

This interactive panel discussion is focused on how States implement MEP-funded summer programs. Topics may include how States have defined services for their program/sub-grantees and whether States have established different criteria for programs operated during the summer; how services are documented; and how States measure the results of services provided.

Presenters: Israel Jose Cortez, GA; Angela Branz-Spall, MT; Veronica Maria Gallardo, WA; and Christopher D. Hill, OME

Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) Profiles and Dashboards

During this session, presenters will share the current version of the MSIX National MEP Profile. Discussion will revolve around enhancing State Profiles into dashboards available to State MEP Directors on an ongoing basis.

Presenters: Deloitte MSIX Team, Preeti Choudhary and Patricia Meyertholen, OME

Resources Café: Federally Funded Resources to Inform MEP Services

This interactive session will spotlight various Federally funded resources that might be used to inform the design and implementation of MEP services. Participants will have the opportunity to circulate among the various rooms/tables to speak directly with contacts for each program/resource. The objective is for participants to develop a better understanding of the available resources as they might be applied to the MEP and establish a point of contact for post-ADM follow-up as needed. The Resources Café included:

Meeting Objectives

The objectives of this meeting were:

  1. to facilitate opportunities for Directors to network and share promising practices and resources;
  2. to provide Directors with information pertinent to the State administration and operation of the Migrant Education Program (MEP);
  3. to promote understanding of, and coordination with, other U.S. Department of Education (ED) initiatives and programs; and
  4. to provide Directors and Office of Migrant Education (OME) personnel with opportunities to coordinate on issues important to the successful design and implementation of programs and services that benefit migratory children.