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Tools & Curriculum

Program Evaluation Toolkit

The purpose of this Program Evaluation Toolkit is to provide state and local directors of Migrant Education Programs (MEPs) with guidance and resources to conduct useful evaluations of the services provided to migrant students and their families. A useful evaluation is one that generates reliable information about the quality of program implementation and the results that have been accomplished through MEP program activities. Using this information, state and local education agencies can revise or re-design program plans as needed to improve results and help more migrant students achieve academic success.

Migrant Education Program Evaluation Toolkit: A Tool for State Migrant Directors.pdf

MEP Evaluation Checklist.pdf

MEP Written Evaluation Report Exemplars

State Education Agencies (SEAs) are required to determine the effectiveness of their Migrant Education Programs (MEPs) in a written evaluation report. In this section, users will find exemplars of five criteria that are required in a written evaluation report, including annual measurable objective (AMO) results, measurable program outcome (MPO) results, disaggregated performance results, implementation results, and recommendations.

All of the MEP written evaluation reports below are acceptable reports, but OME has identified between one and four written evaluation reports as exemplars for each of the following requirements: