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Tools & Curriculum

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Find Migrant Education Program tools and curriculum resources below. Check back frequently for new tools.

Migrant Education Program National Identification and Recruitment Manual

The Office of Migrant Education (OME) published the Migrant Education Program (MEP) National ID&R Manual in order to provide examples, advice and tools to support state education agencies and local operating agencies in determining how best to identify and recruit eligible migrant children consistent with legal requirements. Administrator and Recruiter checklists, "Lessons Learned" prepared by seasoned ID&R staff, and tips from MEP staff are included to assist in developing effective state ID&R systems for the MEP.

This manual was revised in the Fall of 2017 to reflect changes to the program enacted in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

View the Interactive ID&R Manual >

National ID&R Curriculum

The National ID&R Curriculum provides training on the identification and recruitment process through a series of presentations, trainer’s resource materials, and activities for participants.

This curriculum was revised to reflect changes to the program enacted in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

View the Interactive ID&R Curriculum >

New Directors' Orientation Tutorial

The New Directors' Orientation Tutorial is made up of 14 self-paced modules to assist in learning basic program requirements, apply federal requirements to state-specific practices, and assist in program planning and improvement.

View the Tutorial >

Program Toolkits

Program Toolkits

Migrant Education Program Comprehensive Needs Assessment Toolkit

The Comprehensive Needs Assessment Toolkit (Toolkit) is designed to support Migrant Education Programs (MEPs) in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of their programs in providing for migratory children in accordance with Title I, Part C – Education of Migratory Children of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA). The Toolkit is designed as a step-by-step guide for MEP State Directors to plan and conduct a state Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) (referenced at Section 1306 of ESEA Title 1, Part C). The Toolkit has been updated with improved usability based on feedback from the field.

View the CNA Toolkit >

Migrant Education Program Service Delivery Plan Toolkit

The Service Delivery Plan Toolkit is a resource for States as they develop their migrant-specific comprehensive plans for service delivery, commonly known as a service delivery plan (SDP). This version of the Service Delivery Plan Toolkit updates the information and resources according to the changes made to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) through the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) and has improved usability based on feedback from the field.

View the SDP Toolkit >

Migrant Education Program Evaluation Toolkit

View the Toolkit, Evaluation Checklist, and the Written Evaluation Report Exemplars >

Technical Assistance Guide on Re-interviewing

Technical Assistance Guide on Re-interviewing (2010) is designed to help states develop re-interviewing processes, in accordance with MEP regulations, that are efficient and effective and that provide useful, valid, and reliable information about state identification and recruitment (ID&R) processes.

Technical Assistance Guide on Re-interviewing.pdf

Title I, Part C – Migrant Education Program (MEP) Monitoring Protocol for State Educational Agency (SEA)

The Office of Migrant Education (OME) is committed to supporting States to effectively and efficiently implement the Title IC program.  Part of this commitment includes a performance review monitoring process designed to not only address OME’s responsibilities for fiscal and programmatic oversight, but to also identify areas in which States need technical assistance to meet their goals and obligations.  The performance review (including the monitoring protocol document) addresses a State educational agency’s (SEA’s) grant administration and fiscal management processes and is based on information provided through the review process, and other relevant qualitative and quantitative data. The primary goal of the review is to ensure that implementation of the program is consistent with the fiscal, administrative, and other program requirements contained in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance: 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200), the Education Department General Administrative Requirements (EDGAR), the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and associated regulations.

Under each domain of the monitoring protocol document, there are a number of sections.  For each section there is a list of recommended participants, but because organizations may structure their program offices in different manners, participants may need to be adjusted accordingly. Each section is divided into three phases of the review: SEA Self-Assessment, questions Reserved for OME, and Interview Questions.

Title IC Monitoring Protocol SEA.pdf

Protecting Student Privacy

This resource from the U.S. Department of Education provides training modules, guidance documents, and other student privacy resources used for training stakeholders.

View Training Modules >

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